🧹 Quick tips for using Figma

🖼 Topics to cover/learn

✏️Writers hacks and shortcuts to chat through

Assets you’ll use most often as a writer

Shortcuts to learn

Navigation shortcuts

Cmd+\ = Show layers panels

Dbl Click x 2 = Select section

Shift + + = Zoom in

Cmd + Drag back on mouse = Zoom in

Shift + - = Zoom out

Cmd + Drag forward on mouse = Zoom out

Opt + ^ = Nudge component up

Opt + 1 ****= Open layers panel (sometimes this disappears!)

⌘ + ⇧ + K = Place an image / screen shot from Desktop

V = Move tool

Opt + Drag = Duplicate

c = comments

ℹ️ On a MacBook

⇧ = Shift

⌘ = Command

^ = Control

⌥ = Option

Text shortcuts

T = Type tool

Dbl Click + Cmd = Highlight text

Cmd + I = Italics

Cmd + B = Bold

Cmd + U = Underline

Cmd + C = Copy

Cmd + V = Paste

Cmd + K = Link

Opt + 8 = • bullet point!

Shift Option > = increase line spacing

Ctrl + shift + ? = Shortcuts game!

Figma shortcuts | All shortucts for Figma

Resources list courtesy of @mattmatize